

The Acoustics team’s activities focus on non-destructive evaluation, control and characterization by ultrasonic acoustics as well as the development of sensors and acoustic instrumentation in hostile environments.

Les structures et les matériaux isolants soumis à de fortes contraintes


The Acoustics team’s activities are concentrated around two research topics: The first one, dedicated to ECND, focuses on the development of ultrasonic acoustic solutions for Non-Destructive Evaluation, Control and Characterization. To do this, our team masters and develops a large number of methods and tools of acoustics (propagative and resonant) allowing a multi-frequency characterization of the acoustic properties of a wide range of materials and structures. These works aim in particular at the determination of viscoelastic properties and the prediction of mechanical behavior laws of complex materials. The AIHE theme, Acoustic Instrumentation in Hostile Environments, is dedicated to non-destructive ultrasonic measurement and characterization in hostile environments. The research work is recognized through more than three decades of partnerships with the main players in the nuclear industry such as EDF, CEA, or JRC for the European Commission. It contributes to the increase in knowledge of the behavior of fuel assemblies during their irradiation. The group’s research focuses on the design and manufacture of sensors, on the implementation of specific electronic processing chains, and on the production of complete prototypes with a specific focus on characterizing the behaviour of devices under pressure, irradiation and temperature
Les structures et les matériaux isolants soumis à de fortes contraintes


The IES Acoustics team is structured around a backbone of expertise in the development and shaping of piezoelectric materials for the design and manufacture of ultrasound sensors

The research aims to address two main objectives:

  • Extend the operating ranges of acoustic measurement instruments and methods in hostile environments, particularly for high temperatures and in radiative environments.


All these works require a mastery of the entire acquisition chain, from the electronics to the sensor, as well as a fine understanding of the propagation of ultrasonic waves to extract relevant information on the material from often disturbed signals. We have the scientific and technical skills to design ultrasonic systems, to build sensors and associated electronics, and to implement them in specific devices dedicated to the analysis of complex physical phenomena that we model.

Equipement spécifique


Projets de recherche



Wood Full Inversion for mechanical Engineering

Partenaires :

Financé par :



High Pressure and Temperature Acoustic Instrumentation

Partenaires :

Financé par :

Responsable :

Gilles Despaux

Full Professor - UM

Franck Augereau

Assistant Professor - UM

Diba Ayache

Research Engineer FTC - UM

Philippe Combette

Director, Full Professor - UM

Thomas Delaunay

Assistant Professor - UM

Elise Doveri

Hosted - CNRS

Jean-yves Ferrandis

Research Engineer, HDR - CNRS

Olivier Guillemard

Technician - UM

Yannick Launay

Technician - CNRS

Didier Laux

Associate Professor - UM

Emmanuel Le clezio

Full Professor - UM

Mohamed Ouhasni

PhD student

Aubin Paveyranne

PhD student

Valentine Remond

PhD student

Eric Rosenkrantz

Assistant Professor - UM

Grégoire Sapey

Studies Engineer FTC - UM

Killian Toulgoat

PhD student